Glad you've been getting some time to relax and recharge!

My go-to is m/m romance novels. I tend to favor contemporary romance in real-world settings, but magical realism or paranormal aspects are good too. I particularly like stories about recovery and healing and characters taking care of one another. One of my favorites that I revisit often is "Between Sinners and Saints" by Marie Sexton.

For TV, most of what I watch anymore is movie reactions on YouTube. It's fun to try and recapture the "first time" experience again through another person. But another comfort show of mine is the anime CardCaptor Sakura. It's about a young elementary-aged girl who finds out she has magical abilities and has to capture these magical forces in the form of cards. It's sometimes exciting with the magic (and was so cool when I was younger and wished I could be magical--the nostalgia is strong), but as an adult in particular, it's just a really sweet, gentle show about friendship, perseverence, love, support, and doing your best. It's good for when you just need things to not be too bad/hard and know everything will be alright.

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Yeah, one of the reasons that I started writing my Lords books was because of the found family, taking care of, recovering from trauma aspect of the Damon's Mountains books. I wanted to capture that feeling. It's been incredibly healing for me to take those characters on their journey and finding their path to recovery.

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Jul 6Liked by K.O. Newman

Tera was my first shifter author.. I still get giddy anytime I see 1010 anywhere.. absolutely love her! I watch organizing videos to relax, which is weird because cleaning isn’t relaxing to do but to watch it? *Chef’s kiss* I’m so excited for what’s next from you.. love you friend! 🩶

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I was actually reading Bash Bear when I went into the hospital to have my youngest, Sebastian. 🤭 Totally a coincidence, cause we picked the name before I started reading. But it felt significant. And yes, 1010 has become a lucky number. And dandelions will always mean "I love you."

I'm headed into the writing cave right now to work on the next bit of Peach. I'm loving her so much (I mean, I have reasons 🤭) but her story is blooming, and becoming juicer by the day.

Love you too! 💜

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Jul 6Liked by K.O. Newman

Sounds like fate, I love that!

Can’t wait for Peach.. really any words from you are exciting! 🥰

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I can't wait to share her! And to get back on the page with Mariah too.

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